Fashion is an important part of our lives – it may represent our identity or culture, boost our confidence, and inspire or protect us. Yet, he fashion and textile industry represents one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time. To meet insatiable consumer demands, the production of clothing (and other textiles) has rapidly increased over recent decades which has had various economic, social, cultural, and environmental impacts; this is termed “fast fashion”. Fortunately, we are in the midst of a sustainable fashion revolution that is seeking to minimize environmental damage and improve socio-cultural equity while operating within robust business models. But here are some remaining challenges: how do we define the “sustainability” of fashion? Does social media help or hurt the sustainable fashion revolution? And how do we change consumer demands in order to progress sustainable fashion?

April 12, 2025: 10AM to 5PM
April 13, 2025: 11AM to 4PM